Network Fees Distribution

Network Fees Allocation


Network Fee Allocation (%)

ETHtx Minters


Liquidity Providers


weiWard Team




ETH Payments to Minters

The ETHmx pool on the weiWard platform receive 1.5% of all transaction fees collected by the weiWard platform. Minters permanently exchange ETH for ETHmx with no possibility for conversion via the weiWard AMM. ETH contributed by underwriters serves as sell-side liquidity for ETHtx redemptions. Minters assume permanent exposure to risks imposed by the weiWard platform and receive 1.5% of all ETHtx transaction fees accordingly.

ETH Payments to Liquidity Providers

Liquidity providers registered on the weiWard platform, in addition to the liquidity provider fees provided by DEXs, receive 0.67% of all transaction fees collected by the weiWard platform. Liquidity providers are crucial to the price stability of the ETHtx token and serve to maintain near-matching real-time gas prices on exchanges.

ETH Payments to the weiWard Team

The weiWard team receives 0.33% of all transaction fees collected by the weiWard platform. The weiWard project is - by design - a phased software engineering project; weiWard V1 is merely a starting point for the weiWard project. The weiWard team must be compensated sufficiently well to remain committed to the weiWard project.

Percentage of Fees Breakdown

Last updated